Dark Side of the Moon Chapter 4

The smell of alcohol hit my senses quickly with the door on the opposite side opening every few seconds.  To my right was a stage with a tall metal pole standing erect.  Most of the lights were fixated on the pole as the men took to their seats.  I took a few steps out into place and the bar was to my immediate left.  Kyoko stood behind it wiping down the glass cups when she caught me walking towards her.

“What are doing here?”

“What is this?”  I asked as she grabbed me and was dragged into the room behind the bar.

“This is a gentleman’s club.  People don’t know about this unless you are a man.”  She informed me.

I didn’t know what to really think of the situation but I wanted to ask many questions but my lips seemed to feel pressed together.  Kyoko forced me to sit in the dark as the customers were starting to call out “Mama” from outside.  The door closed slowly leaving me with the gallons of liquor surrounding me.  I opened my phone to get the time and quickly closed it.

“Sae-chan, did mama lock you in here?”  Mayu’s voice broke through the silence as she flipped the light on.

“I didn’t know what it was, honestly.”  I pleaded as she gave a soft smile.

“Don’t worry.  There is a door here that will wend you out through the side door.”  She pointed toward the white door near me.  “We usually take in deliveries from both sides.”

“Thank you, Mayu.”

I stood up from the floor and walked towards the door but a hand grabbed my wrist.  Mayu’s smile turned into a grin, pulling me towards her.  Her arms latched onto my hip as she placed her head onto my chest.  Snuggling up to me, I wanted to break it off quickly but her hand quickly slid down to my behind and slowly rubbed it.

“What are you doing?”

“Just enjoy it because I want to tell you that the woman you are chasing is not pure at all.”

“What do you mean?”

I pried her off me and headed towards the door but she placed her body onto the door and stripped off her shirt.  Mayu jumped onto me and pressed her lips onto mines.  My legs collapsed to the ground as the kiss continued until my hands were guided towards her back and the feeling of the clasps unhooking beneath my fingers.  The bra fell to the ground with my eyes shielded by my hands.

“Sae-chan, do you not like this?”

“I don’t know why you are trying to seduce me for.”  I whined as Mayu climbed off me.

“Because I’m pure.  You like pure people, don’t you?”  She questioned as she grabbed her bra from the floor.

“I do… but why do you want me to look at you for?”

“I wanted to show you that if you can’t look at me, you cannot look at Yuki.”

I removed my hands to see Mayu with her bra back on and holding her shirt.  Mayu was trying to tell me about her but I needed to know the truth from the source.  I grasped the knob but Mayu held my wrist and pulled me to the other door.  I peered at her eyes and suddenly saw the honesty within her.  I couldn’t help but hold her face in my hands.

“Tell your mother, I want to have the bartender job.”

“Mama will be angry if you ask for that because…”

“What is it?”

“Yuki performs during the nights and mama is protective of her workers.”

“Am I not one of them?”  I petitioned.

Mayu tilted her head before cautiously nodding.  I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to the alleyway.  I quickly glanced back and grabbed Mayu by her arm.  Comforting her in my arms, I could feel her heartbeat next to my body.  The body had turned into jelly in my arms.  Mayu wrapped her arms around me to save herself from the floor.

“You are an evil person.”  She yelled as gave her a half-smile.

“I practice a lot and if you want to be one, you have to practice yourself.”  My advice seemed to produce strength within her as I headed toward the street.

My feet started to feel the burn of standing on my feet for a period of time as I walked back to the apartment.  I stopped in front of the building and felt the phone vibrating in my pocket.  I placed the phone near my ear and accepted the call.

“Mayu told me you want to tend the bar.”

“Yes, ma’am.  I think I can handle that.”

“I won’t accept it unless you can make drinks, be back in two hours for a study session.”

After she hung up, my heart started to beat quicker.  I was lucky for one job but with this second job, I could make up the rent I owed Sayaka for the month.  My confidence built to the ultimate high until I realized Mayu’s words about Yuki forced me into the abyss below.  Was Mayu trying to get me to understand that Yuki wasn’t who she was?  Then I thought about that night, Yuki was scared of a figure that had run past by us.  Whoever it was, knew she was a performer and scared her off.  I had my choices and if Yuki was truly who Mayu portrayed her to be, then I had to accept it.

The ride up was a blur and entered into the empty apartment.  I looked through my wardrobe for a suit and pants and quickly changed into them.  I felt the vibration again and accepted the call without notice the sender.  I held it up to my ear and knew she would call me soon enough.

“Sae-chan, how was your first day?”

“The flower shop was an interesting experience.”

“You checked the back didn’t you?”

“Yups.  I applied for the bartender job.”

“You are perverted.”  She said jokingly.

“I can say the same about you.”  I replied with a smile.  “I can say I have seen three pairs for a day.”

There was a pause as I heard a counting on the other side and a curse word came out.  “I guess you had a great day.”

“Well, wish me luck.  I gotta study the menu at the club.”  I hung up as I grabbed the black coat.

My head was fully into the job but knowing the drinks was going to be a challenge.  I threw the coat over my shoulder and out came a small strip of hair from the breast pocket.  Picking it up from the ground, I placed it on my bare lip, fixing it in the mirror before leaving the apartment.  Suddenly, a sound came from the neighbor and listened in to it.

The muffled sounds were obvious to my mind but to imagine who it was, would be a challenge.  I listened closely and tried to imagine it when Riku came up to catch me in the lewd act.  “Sae-chan, are you okay?”

“Sorry, I was wondering who was in there…”

“Must be Kuu and her new squeeze.  Although Kuu and I switch partners a lot so she could be with anyone at the moment.”  She explained when a scream echoed throughout the hallway.  “Shinoda-san.”


“Mariko, she is a good friend of mines.  I introduced both of them to each other but I couldn’t help but to assist with her hunger.”

My mind started to catch onto her words but something seemed hidden from me.  Riku took a seat across the door and looked at her phone.  “What do you mean by hunger?”

“She needs to have sex every day.”  She explained when another loud groan came from the room.

“That seems unreasonable for any woman.”  I thought as Riku clutched the doorknob and opened the door.

“You may see it that way, but at least she is honest about herself.”  Riku closed the door as I stood in front of it.

Riku seemed the most mature of the bunch but hearing that from her.  I wanted to rush her but my job interview awaited me and mashed the elevator button until it opened up.  Entering with my anger still cooped up, I touched up my moustache before heading out into the streets.  For the early afternoon, it seemed loaded with people and then I saw what was stopping traffic.  Someone was in front walking slowly with a baseball cap and a black jacket.

Rushing through the crowd, I got to front where I brushed by the woman and entered the alleyway where Mayu was standing outside with a set of keys.  She swung them around carelessly until I snatched it from her in mid-air.  I flashed a smile at her as she threw her elbow into my midsection.

“That’s for not looking at me.”  She snarled.

“I don’t want to keep looking at breasts every time someone flashes them to me.”  I replied as she opened the door to the delivery area.

Mayu led me to the bar where Kyoko had laid out three drinks that were popular with the customers, the Tequila Sunrise, the Sake Bomb, and the Blue Hawaii.  The first drink I read the ingredient list before grabbing the tequila bottle and orange juice.  My eyes carefully got the liquids into the glass before snatching the grenadine syrup from my waist and slowly drizzle it into the glass before placing it onto the bar.

“Good, go onto the next one.”

The second drink was tricky as I grabbed a bottle of beer and a chilled glass from the refrigerator below.  I popped the cap off the beer and poured it gently to prevent the bubble from taking over the glass while eyeing the sake.  I quickly switched the beer and the sake and circled the sake around the glass.  I grabbed the glass and placed it onto the bar.

“Excellent, do the final one.”

The final drink I held the jigger in my left hand while I gathered the alcohol in the other hand.  I poured it out following the recipe into a metal cup and shook it vigorously with another cup inverted in it.  I placed the mixture down onto the counter and filled the hurricane glass with ice.  Poured the mixture over the ice and snatched the white bottle labeled “S&S” and squeezed it over the drink.  I grasped the glass and place it on the counter.

“Kind of shaky but it can pass.”  She said as she grabbed the third drink and took a sip of it.

“Congratulations, Sae-chan.”  Mayu said as she escaped to the back room.

Kyoko grabbed the other two drinks and gave it to the patrons as I stood there looking at the stage.  My eyes couldn’t bear watching the scene unfold so I went to the back to familiarize myself with the liquors in the back.  I saw Mayu sat down on the crate and looked at her phone.

“Do you know when she is coming?”

“Soon, I got to escape from here to help her get ready.  Do you want to know something?”


I wasn’t sure why my reply came so quickly.  My perversion seemed to get the best of me all of a sudden but it was something I probably needed to know anyways.  Mayu stood up and handed me over a piece of paper.  “Give her this before she gets on, only my mother knows how to make it perfectly.”

“So if I do it, she’ll be in a good mood?”

Mayu shrugged her shoulders, “I never saw her not take it.”

My brain wasn’t sure if I should chance not doing it but it was worth a try and headed to the bar to make her request.  I filled the chilled glass with lemon-lime soda and topped it with a maraschino cherry.  The cherry sunk to the bottom of the glass and looked up to see her with a baseball cap and black jacket.

“Is that for me?”

I handed the drink over to her and took a quick sip of it.  Her smile warmed up the whole day for me as Mayu took the seat next to her.  My smile hid the distracted look I wanted to show to her but they were talking business in front of me as the next dancer took the stage.

She wore a pink bra and underwear and smoothly took onto the pole.  Her fans quickly took to the stage as they cheered for her.  I watched her liquid-like movements for a moment before she reached for the back and unleashed her top.

“Kasai has the people coming.  I wish for that one day.”  Yuki muttered.

“You will.  It just takes a little practice.”  I thought out loud.

“You think?  Wow I have a supporter.”  She cheered as Mayu signaled with her eyes.

“Thanks, I’m new here.  The name is Saecha.”  I introduced with my hand out for her.

“I’m Kashiwagi Yuki.  I go by Yukirin here.”

I glanced up at the stage and noticed the plump beauties that Kasai possessed.  It seemed wrong to think about it but I thought Yukirin was much better than hers.  My anticipation grew with the dance on stage that I looked back and tried to hide my rosy embarrassment.

“I guess you don’t mind looking at breasts all day.”  Yukirin joked as Mayu was seriously trying to draw off my offensive.

“It doesn’t bother me a bit.  As long as I do my job, right?”

Yukirin cheerfully agreed before being dragged away by Mayu.  I leaned back and continued to watch the show Kasai was putting on.  The numbing of my mind only prevented the inevitable was going to happen but within a few minutes, she took a bow and picked up the scattered pieces of clothing on stage before leaving.

Many of them drank their remaining liquor before heading out of the club.  There were a few left that seemed drunk enough to not move and just wagged in their seats.  Kyoko gathered up the glasses and placed them on top of the bar.

“If it wasn’t for Kasai, I would be doomed in this business.”  She sighed.

“Can I watch since no one is going to ask for any more drinks in the mean time?”  I asked as Kyoko pointed toward the stage.

I wasn’t sure what to really do but observing the people, I had my work cut out for me with the cash I had until Kyoko handed me a stack of thin white strips.  I looked at the strips and handed her two thousand yen.  She pointed at the DJ and the music started.

Sitting in the chair, I looked up at the stage but there was no spotlight up there.  I looked around me seeing the area was still dark.  Then, a gentle touch on my shoulder forced me to turn to see Yuki in a bikini.  The top barely cover her large breasts and the bottom cut right along the crotch area.  She turned to reveal the T-back and her firm behind.

“Okyakusama, today is your lucky day.”  She announced as she sat on my lap.

“What makes it lucky?”  I said with a cool expression but my body was starting to heat up rather quickly.

“You get a lap dance by me and then whatever you want for fifteen minutes.”  She said as her fingers ran along my cheek bone.

I sat there with my back straight and she erotically went around me keeping my attention towards her.  I wanted exploded just seeing her like this but in my mind it was just chancing the only shot I had.  After a few turns, she posed in front of me while her hands headed towards the knot behind her neck.  My throat was feeling parched, my hands started to sweat, it was almost time to take away my fantasies.

“Okyakusama, here’s my present to you.”  She proclaimed as the top flipped open.

It was angelic in every way possible, the pearly white skin with the accents at the end, the size was above superior, and she held it without fear.  My heart started to pound for its way out of my chest.  Then, I felt a river from my nose.  Glaring at my fingers, a red river had been created.  I was ready to lift my hand to halt it but she moved closer and shook them vigorously in front of me with her fingertip on her bottom lip.

“You are so calm, okyakusama.”

“I know.”  I babbled when my head tilted back and lost all the senses in my body.

The blackness consumed me.  Her face with that smile was the last image of her and feeling her touch was just beyond blissful.  I couldn’t explain anything but somehow, she was the only thing I could even think about until I woke up in my bed the next morning.

“Sae-chan, you made a mess in the club last night.”  Sayaka yelled.

“What?  I didn’t do anything.”  I protested.

“What is this then?”  She pointed toward the white shirt with a line of red running through it.

“Blood.  I was suffering from a nose bleed.”

“I guess Yuki has that effect on you.  Reason why I had to pick it up but I don’t want to tell you the details what had happened after that.”  She teased as she gave a cup of water.

“Please tell me.  Did I lose my job?”  Sayaka shook her head.

“You just have to go tend with the flowers.”

My head started to pound after hearing Sayaka wake me up from my slumber.  Saddened by the events of last night, I walked to work where Kyoko and Mayu were eagerly smiling.  I didn’t want to ask why they were but I knew I had another day to go through it and Mayu grabbed my waist.

“I like my breasts nice and firm like Yukirin.”  Mayu said in a seductive tone.

“I hate you.”

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